How to Use Propolis

Propolis has been used as a medicinal agent since ancient times. It was used in folk medicine as early as 300 BC for cosmetic purposes, inflammation, and wound healing. It has been used both internally and externally and is believed to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and to possess anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. Please note that we don’t ( and can’t ) propose to endorse any health claims as we are beekeepers and not doctors, homeopathic consultants or herbalists.

That being said, there is ample scientific peer-reviewed research on propolis, and it is considered a valuable supplement by many.

Propolis can be utilized in several ways, including:

  • topically on the skin
  • diluted in water as a mouthwash
  • as an oral supplement

Before using propolis, it is best to check in with your general practitioner to ensure that it will be safe for you to use in conjunction with whatever ongoing treatments you may be undergoing.

You should patch test (external link) some propolis to guard against any potential allergic reaction issues.

For use on the skin, apply propolis to the affected area on your skin.

For use in the mouth, dilute a small amount of propolis in water. Rinse the mouth or gargle the mixture for a while before spitting it out.

As an oral supplement, 70mg per day ingested is the most popular recommended amount; however this is not an FDA or any official recommendation.

Currently, there is no medically recommended dose because more research is needed. One study source recommends a daily concentration of roughly 70 milligrams per day, however this is not an FDA or any official recommendation. Propolis products are not considered high-risk. People typically take in some propolis when they eat raw honey anyway!