The Buzz: Issue 2

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This Month's Features:
December Fireside with John Russell
John Russell's regular State of the Hive.
The Beekeeper's Crossword Puzzle
Our very first crossword, your feedback appreciated!
New Products!
A collection featuring some of the latest and greatest.
The Buzz Club Explained
Extra savings for our subscribers!
The Definitive Holiday Fruitcake
You don't like fruitcake? You just haven't met the right one.
The Queen Bee Saves The Day
A not so real life account of bee assistance direct from a beekeeper: introducing Melissa's Musings!
News and Miscellany
Meet Our New Provincial Apiarist
- Going into 2023 Manitoba has a new Provincial Apiarist! Congratulations and thanks to Rheal Lafreniere for serving the province during his tenure in this role, it's important work that greatly benefits producers and those who enjoy our fine Manitoban honey. We look forward to working with Derek Micholson the new Provincial Apiarist, and wish him tremendous success during his term! View the announcement on the Manitoba Beekeepers' Association Facebook page (external link)
Beekeeping Hobbyist Program!
- Have you ever been interested in urban beekeeping or just bees in general? Offered by the University of Manitoba, this 9-week program begins in January and will cover a very wide range of interesting and practical topics such as the behaviour and management of bees, honey houses, nectar flows and even marketing your honey and beeswax! Learn more on the University of Manitoba website here (external link)
Science and Tech
- Researchers analyzed 18 controlled trials with over 1100 participants, median daily dose of roughly 2 tablespoons of honey.
Research: "Surprising Find About Carpenter Bees", UC Davis (external link)
- Surprising results after analyzing the gut bacteria of carpenter bees, a traditionally solitary species (external Wikipedia link)
- So much more to the birds and the bees than meets the eye.
- Restaurateurs catering to bee clientele take note!
Let us know how we did!
We want to build a newsletter worthy of your interest. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions about The Buzz or absolutely anything else, we'd love to hear about it! Find our contact info here