The Buzz: Issue 3 "Where No Bee Has Gone Before" Edition πŸ––

Insulated hives buried under snow, sunny day with trees in background.
A blanket of snow to keep the hives warm through January in Manitoba (photo courtesy of Jim Campbell)

Welcome to The Buzz, our monthly newsletter coming to you straight from the 🍯honeyverse🍯 featuring a wide selection of stories, articles, links, product updates and much more!

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This Month's Features:

Melissa's Musings 2: May Musings

What do bees think of Star Trek? Find out directly from Melissa, queen of the bees!

January Fireside with John Russell

John Russell's regular State of the Hive.

Question of the Month

Pollen harvesting and hive health: what you need to know.

Find Our Queens!

A word search to help keep you distracted until the thaw.

New Products!

A collection featuring some of the latest and greatest.

Got Mead?

An introductory look at mead making (with a beginner friendly recipe πŸ₯‚)

News and Miscellany

New Year, New Canadian, New Skincare Supplies

  • Over the holidays we made our announcements on social media that we'll be carrying new skin cream products from someone new to Canada! Already available for ordering, read more here

Achievement Unlocked: Nuclear Fusion Gains

Beekeeping Hobbyist Program!

Let us know how we did!

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