Issue Number 10: It's Fall, Fellow Foodies!! ππΊ

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πΒ Issue 10 Content
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Don't miss us at Food Fest Sunday Sep 17!
All the info you need about this very needed part of preparing for a proper Manitoba Winter!
Prepping Your Garden For Winter
We know you all love pollinators, so here's our input on how to make things a bit easier for them in your garden!
Fall Fireside with John Russell
John Russell's regular State of the Hive:Β Includes an update on how the bees are faring, odds and ends pertaining to the beekeeping industry, plus my unasked for opinions. (It's my newsletter, darn it.)
Honey v. Sugar The Last Word (in our opinion!)
Now we believe you should all use whatever the heck you want in your cooking, but hear us out for a second if you would, we come bearing info!Β
A Sirloin Recipe You Will Love
Try this out, send us pics and you'll get featured in an upcoming issue, heck just send us any pics of what you're doing with all the honey we'd love to hear about it ππ―
New Stuff π₯³ (click or tap to view):
View our new (and fairly new!) products collection:
Did You Know?:Β 10 Bee Facts For Issue 10
1. Bees Have a Highly Developed Communication System
Did you know that bees have a complex communication system? Through a series of dances and pheromone signals, bees can convey important information to their hive mates. For example, they use the "waggle dance" to communicate the location of nectar sources and water.
2. Bees Can Recognize Human Faces
Yes, you read that right! Bees have the ability to recognize and remember human faces. Research has shown that they can be trained to associate a specific face with a sugary reward. This remarkable cognitive ability showcases the intelligence of these tiny creatures.
3. Bees Are Excellent Architects
Bees are not only skilled honey producers but also incredible architects. They construct intricate hexagonal honeycomb cells with mathematical precision. This shape allows for maximum storage capacity while minimizing the amount of wax needed.
4. Bees Have a Unique Way of Cooling Their Hive
During hot summer months, bees face the challenge of maintaining a cool temperature inside their hive. To combat this, they use a technique called "bearding." Bees gather at the entrance of the hive, forming a cluster that helps regulate the temperature and prevent overheating.
5. Bees Are Efficient Travelers
Bees are known for their impressive navigation skills. They can travel several miles away from their hive in search of food and return with remarkable accuracy. Bees use landmarks, the position of the sun, and even the Earth's magnetic field to find their way back home.
6. Bees Are Essential for Biodiversity
Bees play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity. As they collect nectar and pollen, they inadvertently transfer pollen grains from one flower to another, enabling plant reproduction. This process, known as pollination, is essential for the growth and survival of many plant species.
7. Bees Have Different Roles Within the Hive
A bee colony is a highly organized society with different roles assigned to each member. Worker bees, for example, are responsible for tasks such as foraging, nursing the young, and building the hive. The queen bee's primary role is to lay eggs, ensuring the colony's survival.
8. Bees Can Recognize Patterns and Colors
Bees have an impressive ability to recognize patterns and colors. They can distinguish between various flower shapes and colors, allowing them to select the most rewarding sources of nectar. This visual acuity helps bees optimize their foraging efforts.
9. Bees Are Capable of Temperature Regulation
Bees are remarkably adaptable to temperature changes. They can generate heat by vibrating their flight muscles, allowing them to survive in colder climates. This ability helps them maintain a stable temperature within the hive, even during chilly winter months.
10. Bees Are Ancient Insects
Bees have been around for millions of years, with fossil evidence dating back to the Cretaceous period. These resilient insects have survived and thrived through various environmental changes, making them one of the oldest and most successful insect groups on Earth.
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